Instagram Mod - Fakeoomblues

Instagram Mod is a modification of the Instagram application for Android that brings additional functionality to the application. The app is not affiliated with Facebook Inc. and is distributed completely free!.

Changelog :
• Added Monet theme for Android 12+;
• Added disabling the Monet theme;
• Fixed Feed loading on some devices;
• Fixed Reels download button;
• Fixed Alte & Hoefler New fonts;
• Raised the target SDK to 33.


Uninstall previous official instagram if installed and install this instagram mod. Enjoy 😀

Instagram Mod

Instagram Mod is a modification of the Instagram application for Android that brings additional functionality to the application. The app is not affiliated with Facebook Inc. and is distributed completely free!.

Changelog :
• Added Monet theme for Android 12+;
• Added disabling the Monet theme;
• Fixed Feed loading on some devices;
• Fixed Reels download button;
• Fixed Alte & Hoefler New fonts;
• Raised the target SDK to 33.


Uninstall previous official instagram if installed and install this instagram mod. Enjoy 😀
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